Cozy Legs Under Desk Leg WarmerCozy Legs Under Desk Leg Warmer
Electric Heated Foot and Leg Warmer
Cozy Legs Under Desk Leg Warmer
Electric Heated Foot and Leg Warmer

Cozy Legs Under Desk Leg Warmer

Cozy Legs Under Desk Leg WarmerCozy Legs Under Desk Leg Warmer
Electric Heated Foot and Leg Warmer
Cozy Legs Under Desk Leg Warmer
Electric Heated Foot and Leg Warmer

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Cozy Legs Under Desk Leg Warmer is a cost effective personal space heater warming up your personal space and not an entire room. This warmer can be used on the wire stand (sold separately) or wall mounted. A built in thermostat will prevent overheating and keep it warm enough but not too hot to the touch. Using less energy than a light bulb, this warmer is far more energy efficient than a space heater and because it doesn't use fire, there is no risk of carbon monoxide or fire hazard.

  • 8 lbs. Size: 22" x 16" x 1" thick
  • 150 watts, 0.9 amps
  • ETL Listed
  • CLS Certified
  • Use them in employee work spaces as under-desk heaters, or office heaters
  • Keep your pet warm in its sleeping area
  • Use at home wherever you need extra warmth
  • Use multiple units to create a 'wall' of efficient heat
  • Keep sensitive plants and vegetation warm[/tab]
  • Commercial Mats and Rubber offers free shipping in the continental United States on any order over $50.

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